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Friday, August 10, 2012

A Countdown of My Week

So, this week has not been one of my best weeks.  I probably deserve an award for the worst mom or something like that.  Maybe staying home so much is getting to me or something...or perhaps it's the lack of good sleep.  I don't know.  But, here's a countdown of my week.

* 5 * The number of minutes it takes me to lose my patience this week
* 4 * The number of weeks sweet Sarah has been here (this is my good point for the week!)
* 3 * The number of times Eli threw up in my car on the way home from the dentist yesterday
* 2 * The number of weeks our washing machine has been broken 
(you would think the repair people would have pushed us to the front of the line after the number of times I've called! But, HOLY COW we generate a LOT of laundry!)
* 1 * The number of uninterrupted hours of sleep I'm getting at night
(This is without a doubt the source of my frustration for the week I'm sure)

* 10 Million * The number of times I remind myself that this tiring stage is temporary and count my blessings for my sweet babies because I know I'm very blessed!

How can I not smile when I look at these sweet little faces!?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy 11th Anniversary to us!

     Today is our 11th anniversary!  I can't believe how fast another year has gone by!  This past year was definitely very eventful.  We moved into our new house, welcomed our new baby girl, and celebrated our sweet boy turning 3.  I'm so thankful to celebrate another year together!  I love watching the number grow higher and higher every year.  It proves that 2 imperfect people can still stay married and keep a promise we made to each other with God's help.  So, Happy Anniversary to us!!
(Please excuse the very bad picture!  It is the only picture I have of our family of 4 so far!  It was the day we brought Sarah home, so I'm still VERY puffy!!)

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