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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sweet Sarah

     I have to say that I think we were blessed with the sweetest baby ever born.  Of course I could be a little biased, but I'm sticking with my opinion.  Seriously, this baby is so easy!  She doesn't fuss very often, she sleeps through all the Eli noise, and she is super cuddly....We couldn't ask for a better baby!  I am so thankful for such a sweet healthy baby girl.  I am also SO thankful that Eli has fallen in love with her.  He has been so sweet to her!  He kisses her and always wants to check on her when she is sleeping.  I love it!  God is so faithful to answer a worried momma's prayers about healthy babies, sweet big brothers, and a great husband that takes up my slack at work (and at home) while I adjust to this new addition.  Now, on to the fun!!  Here is my sweet girl and her silly brother (he was ready to go play instead of taking pictures) and their handsome Daddy!


Mrs. K said...

These pics are so sweet. I can't wait to meet her. Holy cow your kiddos look a like and they favor Clint. Miss ya'll

D said...

Thank you!! Your little man will be grown up before we get to see him!

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