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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Changes are coming....

     So, I am starting to realize that there aren't very many weeks left until our new baby girl gets here!  I'm in freak-out mode to say the least.  We have done nothing in the nursery, I haven't washed or unpacked any clothes yet, and I'm making myself a little nervous honestly.  I think the main reason I haven't done any clothes washing yet is because I'm still waiting to have my very last sonogram to make 100% sure SHE is definitely a SHE and not a HE!  Does that sound crazy?  Haha!  I've bought some cute cute little girl clothes (yay for fun clothes), but I keep thinking that if I cut the tags off I will jinx us and we will end up with another boy.  :)  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Eli and I would be thrilled with another boy too!  I just don't want to end up with tons of girl clothes I can't use or return!   Soooo....there you have the insanity in a nut shell!
     Ok, on to the other less obvious changes around here.  Ever since Eli was born I have either rocked him to sleep or laid beside him until he fell asleep.  While I love the sweet time I get to spend with him I know that once the baby gets here I won't be able to do that every night.  I don't want him to think I'm trading him for his new sister, so we started a new bedtime routine this week.  He has done so great!  I told him that it was time to start going to sleep like a big boy without Momma laying beside him, so I've been laying down and reading him a few stories then kissing him goodnight and he has been falling asleep ON HIS OWN!  This is seriously a monumental occasion here people!  My child has never been cooperative at bedtime and all of a sudden he really has been acting like a big boy!  Yay!
     Now, one last note before I go.  This doesn't involve change but it ranks as one of my proudest Momma moments (all you Moms will understand why in just a second).  Yesterday, Eli came and sat in my lap and said his throat was burning.  I asked if he was ok and he said, "No, I'm going to throw up."  I had time to grab the trash can and let him throw up in it instead of all over me and the floor!  All of you Moms out there that have been puked on understand why this is a proud moment!  I didn't have to clean up anything but the trash can!!  Praise the Lord!!  He's feeling fine by the way....thank goodness for that also!


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