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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Home Sweet 2nd Home

     Tomorrow we are heading out for a short trip to our 2nd home...the beach!  I always get so excited to go no matter what season or how short of a trip we are taking.  I absolutely LOVE going this time of year.  Everyone is back in school, the snow birds haven't arrived yet, and the beach is deserted.  It's perfect!  Plus, I always find some killer deals on summer clothes for E.  Who can pass up clothes that cost $2.00...not me!  So, we will be enjoying some beach time, some shopping time, some good food at our favorite places, and some family time this weekend.  I can't wait!
     *On a side note, we are seriously having a cold snap down here in the South!  I mean, for real people!  It was 50 degrees this morning.....50 degrees in September!  This just doesn't happen.  We have 70 degree nights and 95 degree days until October around here.  It was 96 degrees last Thursday and the highs this past weekend were in the 60's!  In fact, we set a record low temperature this morning.  It broke the previous record that was set back in 1896!  See, I told you this NEVER happens down here!*
     Ok, enough weather talk.  I've got to finish packing so I can go get some sand between my toes!


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