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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh boy!

     The Terrible Two's have officially hit our household and I'm not a fan!  I have been noticing over the past several weeks that E has gotten more and more opinionated about what he wants and doesn't want to do.  Last week he started having extreme meltdowns (temper tantrums?) when he didn't get his way.  All I can say is yikes!  I am not looking forward to my sweet little guy turning into a stubborn kid.  All in all E is a really easy child to deal with.  He is usually very well behaved when we go somewhere and he really doesn't act up much at home either.  Maybe I was secretly hoping we would just bypass the terrible two's!  I know, fat chance.  So, if anyone has any advice on how to deal with this stage PLEASE feel free to pass it along!
     On a more cheerful note, we decided to take E to a local reservoir today to see the boats and walk on the pier.  There happened to be a family of ducks there so he got to feed them, which he loved!  Here is a picture of him calling the ducks (aka...scaring the daylights out of them).

And then a picture of my 2 most favorite guys!  (Complete with E's crazy cheesy smile)


Mrs. K said...

That is the cutest smile ever. LOL. Since I'm not a parent, I've got no advice but if you figure out some good ones post them so I can refer to them later :)

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