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Sunday, May 29, 2011


     So, last night we were just hanging out around the house with the TV on in the background.  Usually Dora or Diego or Mickey Mouse is on, but we were sick of all that yesterday.  Clint found "How to lose a guy in 10 days" on tbs or some channel and we had that on.  Now, I don't consider this movie to be a bad movie, but lately I have been more aware of what is being said or done on television because of E.  So, the movie was on and the kissing in the bathroom part came on (if you haven't seen the movie, it doesn't show anything; it just hints at what's going to happen).  All of a sudden E looked up and said "She's getting sugar Momma!"  Wow!  He really sees and hears what goes on even when I don't think he is watching!  Yikes!!  Ok, so now I need to be really careful of what we are watching even if it's just for background noise.  Soooo, I guess we will go back to Nick Jr. or the Disney Channel.  Pretty much every other show (including commercials now) have language and sex talk on them.  We have already stopped watching movies with lots of language in them, but we are obviously going to have to do better since there are little ears and eyes around now!


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