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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Much Ado about Nothing

     This week has been absolutely crazy at work....and it's only Tuesday!  A vicious stomach virus + employees on vacation + kiddos going bonkers because summer is almost here = a very busy but completely unproductive week.  So, in the midst of all the madness at work my mind has been running ninety miles an hour.  I know you would just love to hear some of my random thoughts so I'll share them with you.  Please try to contain your excitement!  Heehee...

* Why does every body want a tip these days?  I can understand giving your waitress or waiter a tip.  That's the norm, it's expected.  And, I give my hairdresser a tip.  Again, maybe that's just because I feel like it's what you should do (plus, I really like her.  She's so nice!).  But, the tip jars sitting on every single counter just drive me nuts!  Am I the only one who feels like you shouldn't be tipped to do your job?  After all, you are being paid to do it!  Call me rude, but I don't throw a tip in the tip jar.  I'm protesting (quietly).   Can you imagine the looks I would get at the end of the day if my employees (FYI, we run a daycare) asked the parents for a tip when they picked up their children?  It wouldn't go over well I assure you!

*  Why do people who have insurance get billed at a higher rate than people without insurance?  Quite frankly, I don't think that's fair at all!  We are already paying out the wazoo for health insurance every month and then the doctors bill us more....that just doesn't seem right.  For instance, when E was born I was billed $26,000!  The insurance company then wrote off something like $22,000 of that as unbillable.  Why not just bill us all the same and lower our insurance costs?

*  Speaking of insurance...we got a letter in the mail a few weeks ago that said E's insurance would go from $166 per month to $80 per month when he turns 2!  Woohoo!  Thank you God for little blessings like that!

*  I love getting good things in the mail.  I've always been so excited when I get a card or package or even a new magazine.  I have some pictures from Shutterfly coming any day now AND E's birthday party invitations should be here in a day or two also!  Yay for fun mail.

*  And, last but probably the most exciting of all....we are about to get started building our new house!  The plans are almost finished, the dirt guy is headed our way in the next week, and the dry season of summer is here (bad for plants, great for building houses).  I am so very excited to get this thing moving!  Want to see a picture of what our house will look like?  Well, I will show you one anyway....  Here it is, give or take a few minor details.

     And that's the end of my pointless, rambling post for today.  Enjoy the rest of your week!


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